
In a past life, I freelanced for Adweek and got to interview creators and companies about their activations and advertisements. Check out some of my work. It’s behind a paywall, but isn’t everything?

One Minute Briefs

I recently began following and participating in the online community of @OneMinuteBriefs. This is a great, creative community that helps me stay sharp on both my copywriting and rudimentary photoshop skills. Hey, it’s the creativity that counts.

International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children

I was selected as a member of the 2020 VCU Camp ADventure and went to camp for a summer of learning, creating, and virtual campfires. The client was the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children. I was the copywriter for our agency and worked on all copy. This included all execution copy and pitch deck copy. The entire deck can be found on LinkedIn, but here are some highlights of the campaign: Childhood as Intended.

Creative Class

I was privileged to take part in a mini creative class created by Mike Egan, a former copywriter from Wieden+Kennedy. Yes that one. He helped us form our own creative process via sketch book and constant writing and pouring out ideas. The class expanded for me and a partner, Kirbe, into a mini campaign we created for OFF bug spray: Dusk Doesn’t Have to Be a Standoff.

This campaign plays on the western motif and resurgence of spaghetti westerns in a modern, diverse age. The bugs are always the bad guy, and our heroes are quick to draw some OFF spray.

I and love and you

Dog and cat moms deserve a Mother’s Day too, right? I was able to write copy for its Mother’s Day campaign for 2020. Visuals for this campaign were created by the I and love and you creative team.

Talking Dog

Talking Dog is the full service advertising and public relations agency at the University of Georgia. We work with real clients on real work that create real and lasting results. I am so proud that I cut my puppy teeth in the world of advertising with this amazing group of people. I learned so much about the advertising profession, my own interest in the industry and how to inspire people with an ad.

Talking Dog Board of DirectorsRole: Copywriting Advisor

Talking Dog Board of Directors

Role: Copywriting Advisor

Talking Dog Recruitment Copy + Concept

Client: Second Helpings Atlanta

Role: Copywriter

Check out our case study that showcases the work we did for Second Helpings Atlanta. The work we did for Second Helpings Atlanta included print ads for a monthly publication in an Atlanta-based health magazine. We also created promotional materials for the client with cohesive branding, keeping with the tone for the campaign. Additionally, we had fun mocking up surprise and delight products that aided the mission of the nonprofit, especially for the volunteers.


When I worked at The Agency in Charlotte one of the clients was Oribel. This baby accessories company had a blog that featured kid crafts. I wrote blog copy, made the crafts and used keywords and SEO best practices to support Oribel to the popular mommy-blogging community.